We are a childhood cancer foundation inspired by 2 year old Jacob. Jacob is a beautiful and smart little boy who bravely fought cancer. In 2012 we found out that Jacob, a son of a close friend of ours has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma – one of the most popular types of cancer found in children and in infants. Jacob and his family live in Poland.

Jacob went through an extensive treatment, many chemotherapies, autografting bone marrow, and radiation. Parents were devastated when they were informed by doctors that all possible treatment options have been exhausted and the only thing that could save their little boy’s life is antibody and interleukin treatment (Anti-GD2) available at the Greifswald clinic in Germany. With Anti-GD2 in its clinical stage and costs reaching €80,000 ($106,000) Polish National Health Insurance rejected to cover such treatment. Together with friends we reached out to the Polish-American community in Chicago and helped raise funds for Jacob’s treatment. With our help Jacob was cured at the German clinic and in September he attended school for the very first time.

During these efforts we realized that we have the potential to help other children in need. It was for this reason the YCBMAF was started – because every child with cancer deserves every chance to live. YCBMAF’s purpose is to provide encouragement and to support kids fighting life threatening diseases.

We invite you to become a volunteer, a sponsor or to donate to our cause. Whatever you choose, you are helping children with cancer get their families get the vital support they need. Let them know they are not alone.


YCBMAF Board Members

Katarzyna Romanowska


“I believe that people are inherently good, but sometimes you have to remind them.” Katarzyna Romanowska Katarzyna Romanowska, family name Papierz. Mother to two amazing boys and a one-person orchestra: an educator, a life coach, and as her friends say, a provider of hope in what may seem a hopeless situation. If you need a […]

Małgorzata Pachota

Vice President/Treasurer

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” -Rabindranath Tagore It is a great honor for me to be part of such a magnificent community as You Can Be My Angel Foundation, which helps defenseless children affected by cancer. Volunteering […]

Małgorzata Ustupska

Board Member

“I am a working woman, not afraid of any kind of job”. This phrase repeated many times by Irena Kwiatkowska in a Polish TV series ‘Forty’ summarizes my career. I was a medical lab technician, an English teacher, a translator and now I’m a Mom, dividing my time between home and work. All these paths […]

Sławomir Rachmaciej

Board Member

“A man is great not by what he possesses, but by who he is, not by what he has, but by what he shares with others.” – John Paul II This is a quote of my life. I am a humble man, but you can easily hurt me. I strongly believe that people are good […]

Beata Szaflarska

Finance/HR Director

With nearly thirteen years in the financial industry first as an accountant and later as an auditor it was time for me to transition into a new role, of mother. I made a conscious decision to place my career on hold and dedicate next years to raising my daughter. Though my time may appear limited […]

Bozena Koszarek

Board Member

For years I’ve been a manager of Doma Shipping and Travel, leading two locations on the south side of Chicago. I am the mother of five children, young adults (22, 21, 19), and my, although no longer small but what I call “little ones” (12 and 9). For as longs as I can remember I […]

Wojciech Gondek

Board Member

“It is better to give than to ask” if we all were to commit to this the world around us would be a much better place. My name is Wojciech Gondek. I come from a picturesque town Bilay Dunajec, located in the heart of Tatra Mountains, Poland. I’m a proud true blood Highlander. I learned […]

Agnieszka Zychowska

Board Member

Mother of two gorgeous sons, wife to a wonderful man with a great heart, and a passionate cook. Being a part of You Can Be My Angel is a great honor for me. Ever since since I remember helping others was part of my family’s everyday life, starting with my grandfather who supported various shelters […]

Financial Info

All relevant financial information for the You Can Be My Angel foundation can be found below.